Historicial Development: | E. A. Stewart, of Dallas, had extensive sawmilling in Arkansas and Texas sawmilling. Stewart operated mills in and north of Texarkana, and in the Texas counties of Houston, Anderson, Titus, Red River, Morris, and Bowie. Consolidating his holdings in 1946, Stewart established the E. A. Stewart Hardwood Lumber Company, with offices at Texarkana. In 1948, he acquired some of the holdings as well as the mill of T. W. Rosborough on the western limits of Texarkana. His son, Charles E. Stewart, superintended the sawmill. The Texarkana business appeared in the 1957 edition of Nelson Samson's Directory of Wood-Using and Related Industries in East Texas as the E. A. Stewart Lumber Company, along with two other companies that may have been related: the Stewart Lumber Company and the Stewart Building Materials Company, both at Texarkana. It appeared, in 1958, in Handbook and Directory of the Forest Industries. E. A. Stewart Lumber Company did not appear in the 1966 Directory of the Forest Products Industry, but an entry for Stewart's son, Charles E., did.
Late in the 1950s, feeling the strain of decades in the business, Stewart sold his mills in Texarkana and some timberlands. In 1966, he sold 7,600 acres, located in Red River and Cass counties in Texas and Miller County in Arkansas, to International Paper Company. The lumberman continued to direct a small lumber yard in northern Dallas until his death in 1977.