Historicial Development: | On February 26, 1897, E. W. Carroll sold his sawmill and assets to J. Wilman and F. Carroll for $1000. Sometime later the mill came into the hands of Jepp Wright, who sold it to George W. Burkitt and L. J. Barnes. On October 13, 1899, Burkitt and Barnes who sold it to R. W. Snelling. In 1900, in Burkitt and Barnes vs. E. F. Dorrough, Dorrough the receiver of the Snelling estate, took back the sawmill.
Besides the engine and boiler, listed in the 1897 were nine yokes of oxen, two log wagons, along with a cotton gin, cotton press, and a grist mill.
Snelling is listed in the 1900 Census as a sawmill owner, living in Precinct 2, Res 194.