Research: Sawmill Database

Alpha-Numeric Key: NA-175
Corporate Name: John Durst
Local Name:
Owner Name: John Durst
Location: On Mill Creek at “Los Terreros,” the Mounds, just east of the Angelina River. Old Mt. Sterling.
County: Nacogdoches
Years in Operation: 12 years
Start Year: 1832
End Year: 1843
Decades: 1830-1839,1840-1849
Period of Operation: 1832 until no later than 1843
Town: West of the Angelina River near old Mt. Sterling
Company Town: 2
Peak Town Size: Unknown
Mill Pond:
Type of Mill: Lumber
Sawmill Pine Sawmill Hardwood Sawmill Cypress Sawmill
Planer Planer Only Shingle Paper
Plywood Cotton Grist Unknown
Power Source: Probably water
Horse Mule Oxen Water
Water Overshot Water Turbine Diesel Unknown
Pit Steam Steam Circular Steam Band
Gas Electricity Other
Maximum Capacity: 
Capacity Comments: Unknown
Rough Lumber Planed Lumber Crossties Timbers
Lathe Ceiling Unknown Beading
Flooring Paper Plywood Particle Board
Treated Other
Equipment: Sawmill
Company Tram:
Associated Railroads: None
Historicial Development: John Durst operated a water mill in Cherokee County during 1832, according to the Cherokee County History. He and his brothers Jacob and Joseph lived in the Cherokee County area during the 1820s. Jacob Durst died at the Alamo; he was one of the twenty-one members of the Gonzales relief expedition to the old mission. John Durst moved to Leon County about 1843. The mill, in fact, was probably located within the boundaries of Nacogdoches County. Phil Sanders wrote in his article that Durst built his sawmill at a location about fifteen miles west of Nacogdoches, at “Los Terreros” or the Mounds, below the mouth of Mill Creek on Angelina River. This area, in 1945, was situated about one and one-quarter mile east of the Hinkley Bridge over the Angelina River. The ghost town of Mount Stirling was built with lumber from Durst's Mill.
Research Date: MCJ 02-10-96
Prepared By: M Johnson